August 18-21, 2016 Oliver Gang Summer Show

The Oliver Gang will be having our annual Summer Show in conjunction with our hosts, the Maumee Valley Antique Steam and Gas Association at New Haven, Indiana, just east of Fort Wayne. We will have our banquet Saturday evening, more details on this will be coming soon.

Fort Wayne Farm Show 2016

We want to let everybody know that due to a problem with registration, the Oliver Gang will not be attending the Fort Wayne Farm Show this year. We plan on returning in 2017.

October 24, 2015 - Oliver Gang Halloween Party

This year's Halloween party will be hosted by Larry and Hope Widner on Saturday, Oct. 24 at 5:00PM.
Their address is: 1930 N. Indiana Ave.
Auburn, In. 46706

We ask that people with last names starting A thru L bring a side dish. M thru Z should bring a dessert or a salad. Thanks, and we hope to see you there!

September 12, 2015 Oliver Gang Plow Day

The Oliver Gang has a Plow Day. We are joining the Whitley County Plow Day at their 8th annual Plow Day September 12, 2015 near South Whitley, Indiana. They have 170 acres for everybody to plow, so it should be a great day of fun and fellowship. For more information on this event, please download this flyer.

We hope to see you there!

Chapter One News is in the mail

Volume 16 issue 3

The latest issue of the Chapter One News went in the mail yesterday. If you get yours by email, it should be in your inbox with a link to download.

We've got lots of shows to go to yet, and are still working towards having a plow day. If you would like to host one, please contact any of the board members listed in the newsletter. Remember, it's not too early to volunteer for 2016 or 2017, for Plow Day or Spring Fling.

See you at the shows!


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