Chapter One News is in the mail!

Summer 2013 newsletters went in the mail Friday, June 21st. Summer show info is in there, including banquet reservation forms. If you want to print out the show info now, just click the link below.
2013 Oliver Gang Summer Show

In memory of Jessie Schaeffer

We received the sad news today that Oliver Gang member Jessie Schaeffer passed away. Jessie and her husband Bob were always big supporters and a huge help when it came to the Oliver Gang and its activities. Jessie will be missed, and our deepest condolences go out to Bob and all of Jessie's family. You can read her obituary at Rannells Funeral Home.

Spring 2013 issue of the Chapter One News

Spring 2013 Chapter One News Cover

We mailed out the Spring 2013 issue of the Oliver Gang's Chapter One News Today. If you opted to get yours by email, you should have received the email on Sunday. If you did not, please check your spam box to see if it ended up there. Also, if your issue has a membership renewal form printed in it, then this will be your last issue unless you renew. If you have any questions, please email us at


March 21-23, 2013 - HPOCA Winter Get-Together - South Bend, IN

The Oliver Gang is hosting this year's HPOCA Winter Get-Together in South Bend, Indiana. For more information on the show, please visit the HPOCA events listing page.

April 6, 2013 Oliver Gang Spring Fling - Churubusco, IN

Spring is almost here, and that means it is time to get together with your Oliver friends. This year's Spring Fling is hosted by Bob and Cathy Miller at their farm near Churubusco, Indiana, on April 6th. Flag raising will be at 9 am with lunch at noon. You can get a printable flyer with directions by clicking here.


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